Thursday, February 04, 2010

ABC Model Sport, Crewe

ABC Model Sport - Crewe5 minutes walk away from Crewe station (go out the front, turn left and keep walking) finds ABC Model Sport.

Primarily a military modellers shops, they do cover other areas of the hobby. The shop isn't large but what space there is is well filled with stock. I was particularly taken with a new range of cast naval figures but it appears that so are lots of others as the ones I wanted were out of stock !

Even if your interests aren't tank related there is still lots to make it worth a visit as the range of materials and paint is good and we all need these. Once in you'll probably find more wallet lighting goodies too. Useful grass tufts for scenic work ? Some pin-up girls perhaps ?

One word of warning - if you do decide to pay a visit while waiting for a train connection, check you know where the platforms are. I didn't and missed mine thanks to spending longer than expected in the shop !

ABC Model Sport Website

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