Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Cheap seadogs

SeadogsAvast me hearties ! What do we have 'ere ?

A fine pair of salty sea dogs no less. Mine, along with 4 of their comrades for a measly 3 quid at a local car boot sale.

I recognise these little sailors. They are normally to be found in tourist tat shops at the seaside and while I've looked, they were never press ganged into my modelling supplies. For the money though, they were worth a look.

First the vital statistics. Each figure is around 10.5cm tall which according to my maths makes them around 1:14 scale. Not a recognised size but people come in all sizes so we can allow a bit of flexibility. They weigh 85g and are made of resin.

Purists might say that they are a bit cartoony and I couldn't disagree. In their defence, waterproof garments are quite bulky and some sailors can be portly so the proportions aren't much worse than many model figures I've seen. One thing they would benefit from is a coat of paint. Those complexions are more than a little ruddy and the shadow work on the coats is a bit extreme. None of this will defeat a can of spray primer and some Humbrol though.

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