Saturday, July 09, 2011

Hornby Magazine half century issue

Is it really 50 issues since Hornby Magazine first burst on to the news stands ?

I remember all those years ago, dropping into the newsagent in the middle of Warwick to pick up my daily paper and spotting it's brightly coloured cover in the rack of mags. Always keen to read the first issue of things I picked up a copy and later in the day had a browse. As I recall, I was surprised that anyone thought there was room in the market for another glossy monthly. How things change !

At the time I certainly hadn't envisaged I'd be writing a regular column, my publishing efforts had largely stalled. In fact most of my written output revolved around this blog which was just past it's first anniversary. There were a few pieces in Model Boats but that was it. Mind you, I was test building and had a proper job to occupy my time too !

Anyway, my contributions to this months issue have a definite Great Western theme. Parker's Guide covers the Cambrian Shunters truck - an interesting little model that isn't the easiest thing to put together but has bags of character when you do.

£20 projects see's the classic GWR Pannier tank given a bit of personality. Since the law requires every GW layout to have at least two of these locos, you can't really escape doing a bit of detailing work on one of them unless you like identical locos appearing together. To be honest, this doesn't need a lot of effort, but I'm particularly pleased with the sandbox operating levers made from flattened brass wire. I know, little things etc...

Finally we get the Clinic where Dr Phil renumbers a loco, turns a PO wagon into something suitable for BR days, paints some people and shows you how to do brickwork with pencil crayons. And thinks it's about time that picture in the header was changed !

Elsewhere there;s loads of good stuff but the big surprise is the double page and very complimentary review of the ModelRail/Dapol Sentinel shunter. You might have been tempted to think that the magazine wouldn't review a rival publications product, but then back in 2007 you might have been just as surprised to see a magazine called "Hornby" looking at Bachmann products.

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