Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Global Van Lines Ford Truck

Ford Truck

It's Christmas time and for most people, this means a break from work. I don't get one of those, in fact in theatreland it means lots of panto hours, weird days and long shifts. Nothing conducive to serious modelling. So, I've dug out a nice little plastic kit to stick together.

To make things simple, the model is a Heljan/Con-Cor HO scale kit for a Ford Truck. Something I have absolutely no need of, so if it goes wrong, I don't have to care.

The model was picked up at a show a few months ago for a couple of quid second hand, although still wrapped in cellophane. The picture on the box looked nice and it was cheap.

Inside, the kit is white plastic and dates from 1980. There is a little visible flash on some of the parts but generally looks OK. Nice decals (transfers to UK modellers, but this is an American kit so I suppose I ought to speak in the vernacular. I'm wearing a ten gallon hat while I work too.) are included but oddly, no clear plastic bits for glazing.

As well as the truck, there are some bits of furniture included on the sprue. They will be stashed away on the spares box as you never know when you might need a 1/87 scale grand piano !


  1. So how come if we both doing panto that you get time to do some modelling and I don't?

  2. Even front of house get the odd day off, although less than the rota might imply ! I'm doing a bit in the mornings before shows. Too knackered afterwards.
