Sunday, January 01, 2012

Six !

6Another blog birthday, so how are we doing ?

  • 2011 saw 367 posts, just keeping me ahead of one a day I'm aiming for. Some days this is more of a stretch than others. At least it gives me an incentive, indeed, often an imperative, to keep working on the projects.
  • Visitor numbers are up with around 360 visits, including 80, regulars every day. Google reckons that's over 55,000 different visitors which seems like an awful lot to me. You are coming from over 140 different countries too including 1 visit from someone on St Kitts & Nevis.
  • Fixing the Peugeot indicator remains the most popular post but the Miniature V12 engine video is creeping up there.
  • I clocked up the 2000th post in October, which is great. Time to head toward the next millennium entry.

As far as my plans this year went, very little happened. The Garrat hasn't changed, nor has the 1/20th Brede lifeboat. In fact I didn't manage to finish a model boat at all this year. Maybe in 2012. I did get another loco for Flockburgh and the Club 500 did sail. And sink. And sail again.

There have been some good shows attended and some very good cake eaten. I've made my mark in some new publications including and non-English one. That's pretty good going. There are a few things lined up in this direction for 2012, maybe I'll even find a publisher for the novel.

For next year, well the Super D and Dunalistair are scheduled for an early finish. Well, in the later case, early as in 4 years anyway. There's also a Canberra to build and maybe, if I pull my finger out, a whole load of other interesting projects that really should be taken from the pile to fruition. Talking of fruition, the pear tree keeps droppings stuff on the garden railway, which reminds me that I haven't done much in that direction for a while. Mind you, the weather is looking a bit iffy at the moment, so perhaps it can wait a while.

I must admit, one of the best things about writing this post each year is that it forces me to re-read some of my old ramblings. Then I realise just how long projects seem to take when I'm driving them forward and feel less good. Not to worry, I will make a New Years Resolution to do better. Let's see if I'm still as bullish about this next year !


  1. graham10:04 AM

    hi phil
    i am one of your daily vistors
    just wanted to say keep up the blog
    its one of the highlights of the day

  2. Keep it up Phil, enjoy all your blogs and only recently realised it was your excellent article in Model Boats mag on lettering boats via Pc lettering and use it all the time now.
    Once again keep it up


  3. Like the new look! I do enjoy your blog very much, usually daily too...all the best for the new year!

  4. I don't how you find the time to post every day! With a wife, two year old pet human and work I bearly have enough time to breathe! It's a very impressive achievement!
