Friday, March 07, 2014

Preparing for Leamington Exhibition

LWMRSAdvertAnother weekend, another model railway exhibition. This time though, it's the local show, just down the road from me at Stoneleigh.

I'll be taking two layouts: Clayhanger Yard and Edgeworth.

This might sounds ambitious, but I'll have helpers and Edgeworth is more static exhibit than layouts. A lack of stock means I don't have anything to run on it!

Clayhanger Yard will be more impressive as I'll be giving all my stock a last run before it heads back into its storage box as the layout departs with its new owner. Maybe one day, I'll build another O gauge layout for it to work.

I'll be there to chat t anyone who'd like to drop by about all aspect of modelling.

Apart from this, there's a hall full of good stuff - Visit the L&WMRS website for more details.


  1. Am I dreaming or did you not say you were stopping exhibiting?

  2. For once I remembered the show was on so I'm hoping to be there on Sunday. It looks like a great list of traders.
