Sunday, April 05, 2015

Advertising sign

Lennon Bros Sign

Rather nice advertising sing spotted in the middle of Rugby last week. I've walked by it many times until some bloke called York suggested that it was very modellable.

He's right too. Slaters plastic letters would be ideal. I can imagine using this in the background of an urban layout, poking over the top of a viaduct.


  1. It would be very easy to do wouldn't it? Pre-spray the letters and mount them onto thin gauge wire.

  2. It prompted me to go and look for a shot I'd seen a while back with more open usage of letters, add another overlay of wire to suggest neon lettering (I currently dislike over the top layout lighting though so don't make them work!). A trip to Akers beckons. ;)

  3. Apologies; forgot the link -

  4. Anonymous11:32 AM

    All well and good but what about that nice curved corner of the building and especially those curved sash windows - dont see many of them about today.
    Nice little project for someone to model!!!


  5. The window display is a bit special too - loads of 50s and 60s packaging. All in all, a very interesting place.
