Friday, May 22, 2015

Little wooden hut


If you've been looking at this week, you'll know that I've got a fairly major project going on there at the moment building a new website for the magazine. This has coincided with a few other big projects that I actually get paid for - all of which has meant very little time for blogable modelling.

So, for today, I've been digging around on my hard drive and pulled out this photo of one of my favourite models, the little hut at the front of Melbridge Dock. Apply some exciting filters to the image and it has some of the look of an old photo.

The hut is scratchbuilt from plasticard, based on one I saw in Railway Modeller on Henry Hollingsworths amazing 16mm layout. Loved the layout, couldn't build a large scale L&B loco but a little hut caught my eye (I bet everyone else ignored it) and I had to have a 4mm scale version.

The surrounding junk comes from Cooper Craft (grinding wheel), Ratio (chair) and Knightwing (oil drum). I'm particularly fond of the chair - just the sort of thing you see dumped around buildings but not modelled that often. Mind you, it's a fiddly kit, so perhaps that's not a surprise. Mind you, I built a pair of 7mm scale versions earlier this evening...

1 comment:

  1. I have a vague feeling the prototype for the original 16mm model was the L&B groundframe hut from Chelfham
