Thursday, June 11, 2015

London Road

It must be Aussie layouts month in the UK model railway press this month. I open up my copy of Hornby Magazine and there is Alan Harrison's London Road, photographed by my host for the Adelaide section of my trip, Andrew Emmett.

London Road

The layout lives in a purpose built railway room and when I visited, as part of the BRMA conference, there were quite a few of us in there. Space for a tripod was a bit limited so only the top one of these shots is focus-stacked. Both can be clicked on for a larger view though.

London Road Station Building

My favourite feature was the station building which despite being a Walthers American plastic kit, fits the location perfectly with its Gothic architecture. You'd be hard put to scratchbuild anything more appropriate.


  1. That is a lovely layout.

    The tower of Walthers station building is similar in style to St Pancrass. See the picture at this link and look at the tower on the right.


  2. Thanks - I tried to identify the kit but ran out of time yesterday.
