Monday, August 10, 2015

All that glitters, isn't gold

gold paint

Last year, I met Dark Star Miniatures at the IPMS show in Telford. At the time I was impressed with their Molten Metal paint and a couple of months later, received a selection for review in BRM.

Since then, I've used the paint on a couple of other projects but last week my Dad reached the point on his latest model boat where he needed to make the whitemetal castings look like brass. Since the prototype is a posh river launch, we can assume the metal would be well polished and from the selection of paint, he picked one of the 8 shades of gold.

The whitemetal was primed with Humbrol acrylic primer applied with a brush. Then two coats of Molten Metal, again with a brush.

The result looks great, very shiny. Best of all the painter reports that the paint worked very well, was easy to apply and after an initial shake, didn't separate like metal enamels are wont to do.

More details:

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