Saturday, August 15, 2015

Brown stuff cures the blues

One of the "joys" of my mix of jobs is that I get to deal with people by e-mail who are best described as knob-heads.

Their number are very tiny but their effect is disproportional. A few days spent dealing with them leaves you deflated and thinking it's time to give up on the hobby entirely. Which, if I'm honest, they would consider a success.

The solution, at least recently, has been to go and do something practical. In this case, sanding things and painting them brown.

Some were brown with java bean coloured emulsion, some with frame dirt spray.

Brown. Lots of brown.

And you know what, I felt a lot better for walking away from the computer actually making something. Perhaps if my pain in the backside corespondents did the same, they would be rather more interesting people.


  1. AAAAARRRRGGGHHHH!!!!!!! Not brown! Spent years on our house eradicating dog-poo brown from all the doors, beams and shutters in the house and barn. they are now a calming, soft, light shade of olive green.
    With regard to other people, don't let the b*******s grind you down and keep that stiff upper lip and vent your spleen here, we won't mind!

  2. Huw Griffiths12:39 PM


    Unfortunately, you get individuals like that in many walks of life.

    I certainly did when I worked in a university.

    Although I never did Latin in school, one "dog Latin" expression often sprang to mind when I found myself lumbered with them - something subtle, along the lines of: "nullus spurius carborundum est".

    Well, it was either that or finding subtle ways of sorting them out - ways that couldn't possibly land me in trouble, but were guaranteed to teach them a lesson they wouldn't forget in a hurry.

    I agree about the calming effect of walking away from the computer - and doing some modelmaking.

    (I might have to try it myself some time - chance would be a fine thing.)

    Anyway, don't let these scum win.

  3. Increasingly computers frustrate me and leaving them is therapeutic. Fortunately I am the signal manager for a Heritage Railway as well as being S modeller. The advantage of 12 inches to the foot railways is hammers are bigger and can be swung with satisfying venom.

  4. Similarly I find the B&D mouse sander a marvellously therapeutic tool, imagining it abrading the faces of some of the muppets doubles the satisfaction.

    Happy modelling. :)

  5. Don't feed the trolls.

  6. Huw Griffiths3:43 PM

    The "mouse sander" treatment sounds a bit too gentle - a bit too quiet - for those scum.

    Anyway - back to chopping up a cheap, secondhand, Hornby 142 ... .
