Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Warehouse Wednesday: Bishophill Coachworks

Pedants will point out that this isn't strictly speaking a warehouse, but I think the right hand side of the building might just have been a storage facility at some point. Anyway, it's my blog, I'll write what I want.
Found while wandering around the backstreets of York, I'm impressed with the number of wall finishes in such a small space. Yellow/white bricks on the face. Painted bricks above this and red ones on the end. Presumably the decorative frontage tells of a rather more impressive than a car bodywork shop.
At the end we have a rather more mysterious red brick building. No idea what it is in the photo, and checking Google streetview, it's been replaced with a 3 story block of flats that retain the same footprint. Bishophill Coachworks still exists though, even if they have re-painted the front.

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