Monday, November 16, 2015

A working model dredger

One of the highlights of the model boat show was the working model dredger on the Manx Model Boat club stand. It looks great and operates superbly and automatically. With plenty of taime available, I shot some video of it on my compact camera as an experiment.

I think it looks pretty good but what do you thing? Should I do more of this?

The soundtrack had to be replaced though as the hall was very noisy. Trust me, that Ukelele music is much better than the alternative!

If you want to see the working bits in operation, there is a video here.


  1. Video-way to go! But drop the plinky-plonk music please, there is enough of it on the TV. You could have had "Pick Me Up Before You Go, Go" or something by Sister Dredge.

  2. Trust me, the plinky-plonk music was better than the original soundtrack. We had someone singing wartime songs over a dodgy PA system...

    Sister Dredge is good though. If I do something on model brickwork, I'll look up the Repointer sisters.
