Last week, I looked at the grass-covered hangars at Cosford. Not an obvious modelling choice perhaps, at least for railway geeks, but hangars can be re-purposed.
These two are on a storage place near where I live. The site was an airfield during WW2 called Bonickson's aerodrome. It's most notable for a Canadian Whitley Bomber crashing into a nearby hill on approach. Bombers were stripped for repair, the parts being sent to Coventry, and re-built to fly again.
Now, the landing strips are long gone as all that remains are a pair of hangars. One is the base for a modular floor installation company. The other a go-kart track. In between are the offices for the storage company.
There are still a few aerodrome features such as this tiny tower on one corner.
The site isn't very far from a railway line - you can see it on this Google aerial view.
As background models, these could work. You can stick any firm you like in them too. Anything that can made use of lots of space. It's certainly smaller than an airport!
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