Saturday, September 10, 2016

Guildex 2016

Platform scene

The walk from Telford station to the exhibition centre was wet. Once inside thought I spent pretty much the entire time chatting to people.

The plan had been to snap any new releases for MREmag (You can see them here) and buy a few bits'n'bobs including some I'd been meaning to order for some time.

Aussie weighbridge

Just inside the door was the star of the show - genuine Australian O gauge. Arakoola is a fictional New South Wales country town of the 1950 to 1960 steam/diesel period. Simply running a Garratt ought to be enough for me, but I was much more interested in the diesels that look an awful lot like some I'd seen during my trip to Aus a couple of years ago.

Belgian trams

This wasn't the only offshore model either. Belgian tram enthusiasts will have enjoyed Tussen Klie en Leuzze. While the prototype might not be familiar, the modelling was top notch.

CakeWith limited time available, Harbury beer festival was calling for the early evening and I still had to catch a train back home, I'd planned to eat on the way back from the show. However, mid-afternoon I needed sustenance (breakfast was a long while ago) and spotted cake on once of the catering vans.

A slice and bottle of cranberry juice were a reasonable (for an event) 4 quid and very nice too.

After this it was back to chatting and shopping. For some, it will be exciting news that Eileen's Emprorium can supply even finer piercing saw blades than they could a few months ago. £2 for 12 seemed pretty good too. They also sold me some 2mm scale brick Plasticard, in fact I didn't managed to buy anything O gauge at all!

Guildex was a great opportunity to catch up with a lot of friends and chat to a few new ones. Well worth the trip. Were money no object, I could have come away with a much fuller rucksack too!

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