Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Warehouse Wednesday - Livery Street, Birmingham

Livery Street

It's not just railway modellers who find large, reasonably anonymous industrial building useful as a backdrop, so does the movie industry. 

Model railway enthusiast Steven Spielberg has been filming "Ready Player One" in Birmingham and I went along for a look last week. Sadly, he'd moved on to spaghetti junction but there was still evidence of Hollywood action, and I don't mean the one just outside Brum. 

A couple of minutes walk from Snow Hill Station, there is much of the second city's industrial heritage on display. This huge factory in Livery street, alongside the railway line (the wall you see being cleaned of fake graffiti below) is a good example. 

It's a huge brick structure with limited embellishment and from a modelling point of view, lovely easy to make steel framed windows. I even like the hideous metal vents.

Grafitti removal

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