Friday, October 28, 2016

Litho sheet

At the weekend, I had the chance to purchase some Litho sheet. 

Quite a lot of readers will be wondering what I'm talking about. It's only wierdos like me who still enjoy old model making magazines who will have read articles extolling the virtues of the stuff. 

The sheets I have are 0.2mm thick aluminium. Each has been used as part of the printing process, hence the drawings, text or music on them. I assume they would be fitted in some sort of drum in a machine and used to transfer ink to paper. This will (I'm told) wash off with meths.

Anyway, the idea is that this metal can be used for covering models. It can be emossed with the rivet press, or a nail and should make excllent ironcladding for a boat. Not that I have one in mind, but you don't find this stuff every day so I snapped it up when I could. 

Suggestions for other uses welcomed in the comments. 

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