Monday, July 02, 2018

Pictures from Pendon

Last week, I paid a visit to Pendon to see the opening of the Bristol Line. While there, I took advantage of the protective glass around the Vale scene to snap a few photos.

Roye England at work

Roye England at work recording details of a cottage for the model.

The Vicar calls

The vicar calls.

The Carpenters Arms

The Carpenters Arms.


Some Great Western chuffer obscuring a nice photo of a farm.

 Train and signal

Banana vans in a scene where the white balance was so to cock that sepia toning the scene was the only solution.

Collecting water

Collecting water from a stream.


A bird (Magpie?) in a tree.

All the photos are taken handheld with an Olympus SZ-17 compact camera. No stacking, a touch of white balance correction but nothing else.


  1. The 'odd' looking that obscures the farm is Galloping Alice, a MSWJR goods loco built by Beyer Peacock. The design was part of an order for Australia but spent its life running up and down the line in the Malverns.

  2. The odd 2-6-0 that obscures the farm is MSWJR No16 Galloping Alice, delivered from Beyer Peacock, it was similar to their colonial design for NSW in Australia. Galloping Alice got its name from the motion of its 48" wheels at moderate speed.

  3. It IS an odd looking beast isn't it. Thanks for the details Tim.
