Saturday, March 02, 2019

Saturday Film Club: The Never Stop Railway

An interesting little film that appeared on social media earlier this week - The never stop "railway" demonstration at Southend-on-Sea in 1923.

According to the NRM, who own the footage, this is from the William Yorath-Lewis Collection.

There is a contemporary description here. 

Two years later, there was another demonstration at Wembley.

In 1925, the line carried 2 million passengers without cost (to the passengers) or interuption.

And finaly, how about a Meccano version? 


  1. Interesting. It looks a bit life a paternoster lift laid on it's side. If you've never been on a paternoster they are "interesting". There aren't many left now, but one of them is at The University of Sheffield where I work; it's amazing how many visitors to the uni want a go on the lift!

  2. I like that the energy consumption is "under 40 miles per hour".

    Can anyone design some points and crossings?
