Thursday, July 04, 2019

Loco crew for a Bachmann Baldwin

Chris Ford recently exploded on to Facebook with a complaint that he was struggling to find suitable figures for his 009 Bachmann Baldwin. It seems that the cab is a little on the low side, and that the first choice, a set of BRM people, were more than a bit tall. Worse, other figures also seemed a bit of a squeeze.

Now, Chris is a top chap. Excellent modeller and in possession of several top quality jackets, rather more "dandy highwayman" than my more sober tweed, but he doesn't own either a complete set of MRJ's or a complete set of MREmags from the era when I was the editor.

If he had, he'd know of the specially made Bantam figures from Ken Clark. These multi-part models are designed to be a bit shorter than most for use in old loco cabs with lower rooflines. People weren't as tall back then.

Facing the Bachmann Baldwin issue myself, I dug through my figure box and found a packet I'd bought at the time. Assembly, then a quick slosh of paint and they are a perfect fit in the loco.


  1. Anonymous12:53 PM

    MODELU do a figure that will fit as the driver of the Baldwin. It is 22mm tall = 5ft 6ins from soles of feet to top of peaked cap. It is item No 1801. I understand it is specifically intended for the Baldwin.

    It is in military uniform - tunic buttoned to the throat, puttees or maybe knee boots - and styled "WDLR Driver" in the Royal Engineers section.

    There are others in the military range that might be usable such as No 1807 "Sapper Leaning" in (rolled) shirt sleeves and braces.

    Christopher Payne

  2. I do think those figures are a little too small, and not up to the standard of the loco. I've now remembered that whilst picking up some 5" track from the designer of the model I forgot to suggest they commission Modelu figures for all their OO9 range.

  3. Try Hardy's hobbies- brilliant figures
