Thursday, January 02, 2020

Layout in a box and bumper DVD full of Phil in the February BRM

One big project in BRM this month, a complete layout in a box.

If you are new to railway modelling, finding all the materials can be a challenge, so I've put together a complete package so you can build a fun inglenook shunting puzzle. All the modeller needs to add is a loco and rolling stock.

There are step-by-step instructions in the magazine, and if you fancy taking it further, more ideas on the DVD.

If you pop the DVD into your telly, be prepared for a bumper crop of me since I start by interviewing the owner of James Street at the GCR show and then move on to three practicals - assembling a provender store, track weathering and building some tree kits.

I've also been out with the camera and bagged a rather nice 009 layout, Castle Wharf Kendle.

It's just my sort of layout, small and scenically very interesting. I'd not gone to shoot this at the show I found it, but sometimes you have to grab a layout while you can, especially one as good as this.


  1. "If you pop the DVD into your telly, be prepared for a bumper crop of me"

    I guess that viewers will have had their Phil by the end of that DVD.


    Happy new year from Germany...

  2. Was the project layout what you had in mind the other year, when there was a blog post about exhibiting using public transport?

    Just wondering, as I could almost imagine someone putting a similar sized box in the luggage area of a train or coach (possibly even an overhead rack) - then, on arrival at a venue, opening up said box on top of a table.

    Just add a Gaugemaster Combi - a Sentinel, a Peckett or a Kõf - and some wagons - and they'd be up and running within a couple of minutes.

    Seriously though, something like this would be great on a magazine stand at a show - it's presentable - most people would be capable of building something similar - and you could use it to point out potential pitfalls to inexperienced modellers.

    Whilst I think of it, a project like this also offers an excuse for doing a Bob Ross style background.

    Yes - what's not to like?

  3. Taxi for Andy from Germany... :-)

  4. Huw - I'd forgotten that post, but this layout would fit the bill. It's probably a little unwieldy for a coach and maybe a train, but it would work.

  5. Having been playing around with this idea as a way of resurrecting Apa Valley as a 16.5mm quickie I've settled on the idea of the Peco asymmetric three-way point as an alternative
