Saturday, April 04, 2020

Lego Wuppertal

Yes, I know it's another Lego post, but how amazing is this Wuppertal monorail? ]

OK, it's a bit slow, but fascinating. Well, I liked it anyway.


  1. Wow!

    There isn't really much more to say - except that I suspect that a number of model train enthusiasts would love to see something like that at a model railway show.

    Of course, this isn't likely to happen any time soon, due to the "Corona" crisis.

    Shame that - I was looking for something interesting so I could put my new glasses through their paces.

    I know - I could try doing some modelmaking - but why would anyone choose to do anything that radical?

    OK - it might be better if I were to rephrase that slightly. After all, pharmacies, GP surgeries, dental surgeries and opticians have got rather scary looking signs up everywhere - asking people to keep away - and citing something called "Novel Coronavirus".

    Well, I don't pretend to be an expert - but this definitely sounds like one "novelty" I don't wish to experience.

    Let's hope that you - and anyone reading your blog - manage to stay safe.
