Saturday, September 19, 2020

Saturday Film Club: Do white slot kits sell?

 There's always a discussion in the model railway world about un-numbered model locos. The prevailing wisdom, based on previous attempts, is that they don't sell. 

It seems the same thinking applies in the slot car world. Dave Kennedy, who has worked in the industry for years, explains.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:23 PM

    Sort of. I tend to agree, but then US company Tangent Scale Models offers undecorated kits cheaper than decorated built-up rolling stock. One example--a US gondola car kit for $34.95 US; the same model decorated and assembled sells for $38.95.

    The difference is only about ten percent in price between the two. My preference is for a decorated and assembled model, but those who want to use the kit as a base for modelling another slightly different car appreciate having a choice for a build that does not involve stripping the finish off and disassembling a decorated model.

    Enjoying your work as always,

    Steve Lucas

    Ingersoll, Ontario, Canada
