Wednesday, December 30, 2020

What I want for Christmas is a new fence


What do you do in that period between Christmas breakfast and your sister turning up so the day can start? 

Me - I looked at the fence erected alongside the Selly Oak canal and realise that I'd not allowed space for the pipe bridge that will camouflage the baseboard join through the water. And decide to do something about it. 

The ScaleModelScenery fence is well fixed into the baseboard. Yes, I know I should have put it in the right place before fixing, but I got it wrong. 
My scalpel wouldn't touch the laserboard, at least not without waggling around and bending things. In teal life you'd use a saw and that's what I did. The Xacto sliced through the material perfectly and reasonably cleanly. The corner could then be pulled apart and reassembled to allow more space on the towpath. 

 A little touch-up with some brown acrylic and the job is done. Fortunately, this is a scruffy fence, so my less than perfect workmanship won't be noticed. 

Not a long job, and something to stop me eating chocolate for a few minutes!

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