Saturday, February 27, 2021

Saturday Film Club: Muriel on the original Echills Wood Railway


An entertaining blast from the past -7 1/4 inch gauge locomotive "Muriel" running on the Echills Wood Railway when the line was still based at Stoneleigh park. 

I remember riding on it as a child. At the time, I seem to remember there being some proper, enclosed coaches, but we rode on the open trucks with the seat down the middle as you see in the film. I doubt I enjoyed it much, I'm a bit of a wuss about this sort of thing and these trains never seem very stable. 

The line was eventually evicted from Stoneleigh for no good reason, and moved to Kingsbury Water Park where they were welcomed with open arms by rangers who couldn't do enough for their new attraction. After a while, Stoneleigh realised what they had lost and asked them to come back - a request that was not appreciated! The line joined a long list of attractions lost to the park including the Town & Country Festival, Royal Show and VW Action. Make of that what you will. 

Visit Echills Wood online. 


  1. come have a drive of my black five, that ought to set you at ease!

  2. Lovely loco ! Any idea where it is now? I can't see the railway mentioned on the Kingsbury Water Park website.
