Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Beach Buggies compared - Airfix vs Revell

 Left: Airfix Right: Revell

I suppose we ought to compare the recently finished Airfix beach buggy with the Revell version I built three years ago. The web loves this sort of thing after all. 

Both are the same scale, and fortunately, not the same prototype. Revell is slightly cheaper, but Airfix uses stiffer plastic. Revell give you rubber tyres, but I think the Airfix wheels and tyres look better. You get figures with Airfix and not with Revell - and in this sort of car, I think that's a big thing. 

Around the back, Airfix has a Type 1 engine, Revell, Type 4. Another win for Airfix here I think. Interestingly, the British kit is right hand drive, the German left hand drive. I can see arguments for both as this is a vehicle you'd mainly associate with the sunnier climbes of America. 

I'd give a small win to Airfix, mainly because of the engine and figures, but both are fun builds. 

However, all this got me thinking. While I'm not big on customised Beetles, I do have a soft spot for a Baja bug. 

Baja Bug (1971) 

So, I wonder if I could take the buggy wheels and engine, plus the Airfix Beetle kit and make one of these? There would need to be some scratchbuilding of course, but that would be a big part of the kitbashing fun wouldn't it? 

Something to think about anyway...


  1. Less thinking, more purchasing and planning Mr Parker, a full on baja would look great in the middle of those two.

  2. Hello Phil, Just as you start talking about beach buggies this popped up on my ' you may be interested' page - https://www.carscoops.com/2021/08/the-only-classic-car-james-may-owns-is-a-vw-beach-buggy-that-he-never-takes-on-the-beach/ . Small World as they say!


  3. Re the model Baja bug - a Tamiya Sand Scorcher would be far more fun!

  4. Jim, it's funny you should mention that...
