Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Tree bodging


If there's one thing that holds new modellers up, it's the belief that they must do things the "correct" way. Learning the "correct" way takes time, and so they never actually do any modelling. 

This is, of course, a complete load of rubbish. Most experienced modellers are expert bodgers. As long as the end result looks right, it is right. 

An example. Hauling a layout out of storage to use as a photo backdrop, I found one of the trees had broken. 

You might try to glue it back together, but the contact area is tiny and the glue won't hold. The "correct" solution is to drill both halves of the trunk, insert some wire, and then glue. The wire supports the joint and all is well. But it's a bit of a faff. 

My solution? 

Pull the trunk out of the hill, remove a few twigs lower down on the rest, and replant. Can anyone spot anything? 

Nope. Looks all right me!


  1. I have never seen layouts with broken off trees, yet that happens all over in real life after gales. When a tree breaks maybe place a man or two with a chainsaw and a wood shredder? (yes I know not practical in this case).

    Just saying - the world isn't all perfectly planted upright trees and modellers should maybe make more use of real life mess.

  2. Good idea! That's the spirit of bodging I am talking about.
