Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Mystery metal


Time for some chassis detailing, and I find at the ends there should be some metal brackets. The fold up from the etch nicely enough and I bomp out the rivets - but then there is a mystery. 

Obviously they fit at the end of the chassis behind the bufferbeam, but how? 

It looks like the riveted flanges overlap, but then the bufferbeam won't be flush. 

I puzzled over this for a while, trying the parts in different ways, and then came to a pragmatic conclusion. 

I simply left one lot off. Yes, I know this makes me A Bad Person and Not a Proper Modeller, but I don't care. You can't see these things on a plan, or in any photos. On that basis, no-one is going to miss them. 

Were this a magazine build, I'd have to solve the problem. Fortunately, it's not, so I only have to please myself. 

And if you are thinking the brake rods look thicker than normal, you'd be right. I used 0.6mm wire rather than 0.45. It will stay straight much better, I always end up bending the thinner wires when fitting the brake hangers. I even remembered to file the ends flat to avoid punctured fingertips, something a remember from previous builds!


  1. Anonymous11:59 AM

    Sorry Phil, but I think the other bracket, part 10, is visible in these photos and seems to form a step

    :( Brian G, Redditch

  2. Thanks, Brian - I can see it now, and think if it's there, it wasn't to be attached to the back of the buffer beam, NOT the chassis. Good job I didn't throw them away!

  3. Anonymous12:59 PM

    On the prototype the bracket is there to support the buffer and buffer beam particularly at the one end because of the cutout in the footplate above.

    That drawing is very misleading, one could presume that part 16 should extend beyond the end of the frames rather than be flush.

    Brian G
