Saturday, September 25, 2021

Saturday Film Club: New uses for a hole punch

You are going to have to trust me this week that this is an interesting video. 

Combining Lego and paper might not seem an obvious move, but the good people at Lego Central once thought it was a good idea. Then got bored, and a hobbyist took it up instead. 

It's all very clever, even if the colours are a bit garish.


  1. Useful in a way. Can varying hole punches be bought at not great cost? I am stuck with a old and bent single hole punch and making spectacle plates for older loco prototypes is very fiddly.

  2. Hmm. Let's take one of the most self contained and reusable toys on the planet and turn it into something that needs consumables and generates waste to boot. That to me sounds like everything the world has been doing in the last 30 years.

  3. What amazing idea, Already shared it with loads of people
