Monday, September 20, 2021

That's not so good then


With the chassis assembled for the Hudswell Clarke, and the motor and gearbox running, all I have to do is slip the later into the former and the loco will work. Simple. 

Except that the axles aren't long enough. They can stick out of one side, or the other, but not both. 

The frames are too far apart. Arghh

I don't know how this happened. There is only one set of frame spacers in the box, and I suspect they are the P4 ones. My guess is that I've nicked the OO and EM fret for another kit in the past, and forgotten about it. 

Still, I enjoy soldering things together, so it will be fun to do it all again (grits teeth).


  1. A friend of mine who is a highly talented cabinet maker reckons the measure of true skill is not getting it right first time every time, but rather knowing how to put it right when you've made a complete Horlicks of it!

  2. That's my argument. A lot of beginners believe they are supposed to get everything right first time. They don't/won't realise that the skill is actually bodging yourself out of trouble.

  3. The usual recommendation is that the centre of the worm is along the centre line of the gear, but in this set up it looks as if the centre of the work isn't even on the gear.

    I don't think this is going to be a very efficient drive. It won't be hauling much I wouldn't think but it' not going to be as smooth as it could be.

    If you're going to be rebuilding the chassis, please consider a fresh gearbox setup.

