Thursday, October 07, 2021

Tin engine sheds and Flash in BRM

In BRM's November issue, we continue with the industrial layout build, this time looking at the engine shed. I've had this project in mind for some time, and this was the chance to do it. 

Wanting a wiggly tin shed, the original plan had been to scratchbuild, but when the guys from Budget Model Railways got in touch with their 3D printed version, I decided that as it looked pretty much the same as my planned version, it was a chance to bring a new cottage industry to everyone's attention. 

In the reviews section, we have Hornby Playtrains. 

This is another piece I've been looking forward to writing. Partly because I am A Big Kid, but mostly because this is a really interesting product as it's a range, not just a standalone set. With extra track and rolling stock available, and more in the pipeline, I'm hoping this is a success for Hornby. 

Of course, I'm not really in the target market to play with this, so I recruited a couple of assistants. 

Erin, who's 7, and Thomas 3, both had a go with the set and their opinions are found in the mag. Better still, if you get the digi version, there's some video of them trying it out. Both kids came out well on camera, although I think Erin is very much a star of the future...

Talking of video, my practical this month is looking at scribing and bending plastic sheet. 

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