Sunday, December 19, 2021

Steam at Rowington

 An actual show!

Held at Rowington Village hall, my expectations had been a single trader (John Sutton, who organised it) and a couple of test tracks. In the event, there were eight traders and three layouts. As far as show go, it was a really good one if you fancied a little pre-Christmas spending. 

First layout in the doors was being run by Keith Foster, a very old friend, and the man who first taght me OO gauge kitbuilding. And one day I'll finish the Buckjumper kit was started well over 3 decades ago.He was running his much detailed Accucraft "Dolgoch" - a loco he know well having taken it to pieces at the TR and driven it for many years. 

At 12ft by 6, the circuit was very nicely finished and I found myself wondering if I could build something similar for myself. I have no idea where I'd put it, but dreaming is one of the few things we are still allowed to do. 

One highlight was the first sight of the Accucraft Peckett. Running on the stage (where it was very dark) it really looked good even though this pre-production model is still stiff and needing more running in. 

Cake was good, and the only time were maskless. Face coverings were on all but one person in the hall, which wasn't too busy either so felt reasonably safe. Subsequent LFT's have been negative, so we seemed to have got away with it.

The LGB loco? Well, my dad spotted it on a stall and decided that it would be perfect as a Christmas present. Since my mum has been asking him what he wanted, it ticked a box. The idea of a pre-Crinbo show makes a lot of sense, I heard at least one other person doing some present shopping!

As it was, a fun morning with lots of chat and a good time had by all. Since this is likely to be the last show for a very long time, I'm glad it was a good 'un

1 comment:

  1. "Since this likely to be the last show for a very long time ..."

    I sincerely hope this turns out not to be the case - however, with the Corona menace spreading "festive cheer" at the moment, I'm not exactly complacent, either.

    Actually, about a month ago, I visited a model shop - basically, to prepare in case of any potential 2020 style "plan b / c / d" etc..

    I was chatting with the guy running the shop - amongst other things, explaining my reasons for getting in some "essential supplies". He didn't think it would come to another lockdown - after all, how hard can it be for people to wear masks and accept vaccinations?

    I made it clear that I'd love to be proved wrong on this issue ... .

    Unfortunately, with "Corona" being a number of respiratory diseases - which have an annoying habit of running riot in winter - I think I need to take a line of: "Plan for the worst; hope for the best."

    Meanwhile, it's interesting to note that the Royal Institution have got into the spirit of the season, with this year's Christmas Lectures presented by Jonathan Van Tam. OK - so that's some people's viewing sorted out for the evenings of 27th - 29th December.

    As for potential model railway shows next year, we can only hope that the Covid threat eases quickly - and that life is able to return to some sort of normality.

    Speaking personally, I'm desperate for this to happen - but not desperate enough to become reckless.

    And on that festive bombshell, I'd like to take this opportunity to wish everyone all the best for Christmas and the New Year.
