Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Fabulous FAB 1

Fab 1

OK, so as a first project of the year, FAB 1 wasn't too challenging. Basically, it's a painting job. Toughest thing is not to rush the build - let the paint dry fully before slotting the bits together. 

The figures being on a black plastic sprue made life a little more interesting, but priming it first allowed me to see the detail, and saved having to build up half and inch of skin colour to cover the black. After that, it was small brush time and off we go. Keen train nerds will note that Lady Penelope wears a coat of ancient (but still usable) Humbrol Deltic blue. 

Fab 1 

The finished model is really cute. 95mm long and 42mm wide means it doesn't need a big space of display cabinet. And the wheels go round, so it can be broomed along the floor. 

All this for less than a fiver. I notice the range includes the other Thunderbird craft and even The Mole...


  1. It hardly seems the place for rivet counting...but shouldn't the wheel hubs be chrome?

  2. I think they should, but I've never been happy with chrome paint. Why they weren't on the chrome sprue in the kit is a mystery.

  3. Anonymous9:36 AM

    . Why they weren't on the chrome sprue in the kit is a mystery. !
    Phil there is no mystery it was the mysterions that moved it
    Graham P

  4. I have a £50 (including postage,) order on the way to me after your previous post on PlazaJapan, I cannot wait to dive in and just build some simple, cheap kits without being all conscious of potentially messing up expensive models.
