Sunday, January 23, 2022

New Talk: An Evening With Phil Parker


Stop the press! Clear your Diaries! Stick the kettle on! 

We're pleased to announce the first of many Thursday Club Nights! And we're very privileged to have BRM Editor and Modelling Guru Phil Parker host our first event! 

Phil will host an Online Modelling Seminar about the Pros and Cons of building a Micro Layout, and why it might be the best option for loads of us Modellers who just haven't got the time, finance or space for a large layout. 

This event is Exclusive to First Class Club Members, so make sure you've signed up before Thursday to take part in this amazing event! 

We'll be aiming to host one of these Modelling Seminars every month with more great guest speakers planned! You can find the link to register for this event over in the First Class Lounge on the Railway Modellers Club! 😁 

You'll be able to submit questions, learn more about the man himself, and pick up some great nuggets of information from one of the best modellers around!

Look, I didn't write this stuff. Or maybe one of the best modellers around will also be joining us! I will be waffling about micro layouts though, and happily answering questions. It should be good fun.

Anyway, if you fancy seeing this, you need to be a First Class member of the SMS club - details here.

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