Sunday, March 27, 2022

The London Festival of Railway Modelling 2022

Ally Pally in the morning sunshine

Strolling around Alexandra Palace on a crip spring morning is magical. No matter that the reason I'm down at the gate at 7:05 on a Sunday morning is to ensure a good place in the car park for loading up later in the day, there is something special about appearing at an iconic venue. 

Two years ago, this was the first major show on my calendar to cancel, but now we are back. I'm attending my with my BRM project layout DHAPR Wagon Works, with additional photo taking responsibilities. 

Saturday was spent talking. Lots and lots of talking. Sunday was much the same. And I'd forgotten how much hard work this can be. I'd also forgotten how difficult it is to eat and drink properly during the day. A breakfast in a box from the hotel doesn't really set you up for the day, so there was lots of surviving on KitKats and other bad things going on.

At least my hotel was next to the poshest fish'n'chip shop in the world, so the evening meals are sorted. Hand made cod fishcakes with chips and salad. Very nice thank you. 

Underground Trains 

Of course it's not all about food, although Jamie Warne delivering home-made cookies to the MRC stand (I tested a couple to be on the safe side) was undoubtedly a highlight of the weekend. He needs to stop modelmaking and get on with baking!

1 comment:

  1. Agreed at how hard it is to stop talking and eat/drink at an exhibition - I managed to drink my entire flask of tea, but had NOTHING to eat from the moment I woke up 'til the time I got back to the car after the show and munched on one of the cookies I made!

    Speaking of which, I'm glad the latter went down well, and that it was a highlight of the weekend for you. My mum was a school food tech teacher, but this was the first time I had baked anything in many years! Still, I will definitely bake something for the RMweb SWAG do in Taunton - once I've decided what to make, that is...

    Thanks both for linking to my blog, and for reminding me that I had not written a report about the show - I have now done so! I really enjoyed my time at Ally Pally, and I hope to come again next year, all things being well!
