Thursday, August 18, 2022

C-17 Globemaster III Transporter


Meng Globemaster
My Dad has been suffering the same loss of modelling mojo recently that I and a lot of others have. In an effort to help, I treated him to a Meng caricature plastic kit for the C-17 Globemaster III transporter. 

I love these cartoon-like Meng kits having built HMS Hood and Santa Tank in the past. 

No glue is required for assembly - my Dad was impressed with the way all the parts pushed together, but found you needed three hands to juggle the fuselage halves and glazing. Apart from that, it was an easy, and pleasent build. 

Unlike the real plane, the model isn't massive - 13.5cm long and wide. 

Painting duties were passed to me, and I left the self-coloured plastic body along, just highlighting the tyres with Revell No.9 and the ait intakes with Humbrol No.69. 

Both transfers and stickers are provided, the later being my choice as they are very thin. I'm not sure I'd have done much better with waterslide transfers, so those go in the transfer box for future use. 


It seems to have worked, there are a couple of Dad projects to post since this kit was finished. Result!

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