Friday, February 10, 2023

Off to Doncaster


Yes, it's time to head north to Doncaster for the Festival of British Railway Modelling. 

I'll be hanging around the BRM stand all weekend, happy to chat about modelmaking. Please come and say hello, I don't want to be lonely!

Part of my work will be carrying out layout and product shoots - I'm the official photographer it seems - but most of these will be out of hours as I don't like stopping a layout for picture taking. 

The layout and trade list looks really good. We've a mix of models you'll have seen in the magazine, plus a few that will be appearing in the future. 

Check the website for details, and I'll see you there!


  1. Had an excellent day today chatting to you and viewing all of the excellent layouts at the show, (when the crowds thinned out after 6-7 hours,) much retail therapy was had, but most importantly of all, inspiration was drawn.
    The O Gauge Mallard will be built, at least one layout will be finished before Rapido delivers the W&U tramway set to run on it and I may actually produce the cakebox diorama that I have the board and the idea for, since you launched the very first competition at Digitrains, all those years ago now.
    They say the journey of 1000 miles begins with the first step, so off the internet I go, to the first project on my list.

  2. Came across this and thought of you....
