Sunday, March 26, 2023

London Festival of Railway Modelling 2023


Ally Pally on my satnav

My satnav knows what Ally Pally looks like!

Arriving at the venue, I was surprised to see the famous hall appear in 3D on the screen. That was after being surprised that it didn't know a junction in London you can't turn left on, even after 3 hours of updating the day before. I couldn't resist taking a photo once parked up though.

Phil's stand

Anyway, inside the hall, I got set up with my end of the World of Railways stand. A layout, to be given away on the Sunday, the wagons in all scales and a few of my more popular dioramas would give me something to talk about during the weekend. 

And talk I did. Solidly all Saturday, and pretty much most of Sunday too. It was a busy show, numbers through the door were up, despite a train strike making travel harder. 

I did manage a little wander, but not much I'm afraid, so there's no gallery of layout photos to enjoy. 

Bunkers Lane

Layout I'd like to build had to be Bunkers Lane - an O9 model based on Leighton Buzzard. Quirkly and of modest dimensions, just my sort of thing. I've photographed it for a future issue of BRM, along with the stunning P4 Pwllheli. I ought to mention Copper Wort too - but I'd be scared of emulating that since the model making is so amazing. 

Owen's Bridge

It was nice to see another of my old projects still active on the Bachmann stand. Needing somewhere reasonably quiet to work with a reported from the Press Association, I used Owen's Bridge as a prop. It's perfect to wave my hands around while trying to explain the hobby. 

There was, of course, cake. 

Cake wars

The chaps from Rapido Trains taunted me with cake on Friday, so the next day, I was on a mission to bag some. Well, we didn't get breakfast at the somewhat quirky hotel. 

Outside the show, there was a Saturday evening trip to Leicester Square, and mich wandering around Muswell Hill, which is a very pleasent area of the capital. And by the end of it, my feet hurt!


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