Sunday, April 30, 2023

RMweb members day 2023

A lovely day out, plenty of chat, some excellent cake and really impressive layouts. 

As far as layouts go, I can do no better than point you at Callum's video. He's captures everything, and this saves me the bother.

What the video can't communicate is the freindliness of the event. It was like a group of old freinds getting together to chat about toy trains. Most of us only know each other, if at all, via the forum, but this doesn't matter. You talked, people talked to you. And a good time was had by all. 

Refreshments were donated, and one of the first to go was this excellent corgette and lime cake. 

Corgette and lime - get us with the sophisticated flavours!

The event is open to all, and we don't charge to come through the door (donations accepted though) and there's not much in the way of advertising. No banner out front, or even a poster. If you know, from RMweb, then you know. Despite this, the morning was as busy as we would want it to be. Too large a crowd and you'd ruin the day as people struggle to get around the hall. 

As it was, after lunch, I shot three layouts, one of which is firmly in "Layout's I'd like to build" category. A good day.

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