Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Chassis build


Despite being without a gas torch, I decided to have a crack at the chassis anyway. My 45w Antex iron is pretty powerful, and I hoped to at least tack it together so I could make good the joins later. 

The basic lump is a simple fold up job. Making sure the sides are at right angles to the top takes a little care, bu not much. Running solder along the fold line, as the instructions instruct, isn't a bad ideas, although once the motor supports are in, a fiddly job as they are a tight fit even with the etching cusp cleaned away, shouldn't really be required. 

My only complaint, is that the holes for the axle bearings are slightly oversize. To ensure a square result, the wheels and axles were fitted, and the bearings tacked in place. The result is a chassis that appears to sit flat. 

I'm still pondering the drive. My instinct now is to go for Delrin chain, which I'll need to order as I can't remember where I put the stuff I bought "just in case" years ago. There's some extra detail to add, and paint before then though, as getting the wheels off the axle is harder than I expected, so I only want to do it once.

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