Thursday, October 26, 2023

Solebars and buffer beams on


Time for the gas torch to earn its keep. The larger lumps of brass are coming together, acting as too big a heat sink, for even my 45w iron to handle. 

The solebars are about 2mm shorter than the floor, so a line was marked 1mm from each end to aid positioning. A couple of small bulldog clips hold each solebar in place. Then some blobs of solder are applied with the electric iron.

Lashings of PowerFlow flux are sloshed on to the join and then the gas torch used to melt the solder, blowing it along the join - exactly as I hoped it would do. The gas gets the solder hot faster than the brass can draw away the heat, or at least I think it does. 

Buffer beams are added by resting them on a lolly stick and standing the floor on top. Again, a tack with solder allows me to check all is well before final soldering. 


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