Wednesday, October 18, 2023

The Alan Gibson Files: Wantage Tramway No.5

Wantage Tramway No.5

Scanned from a 10x8 inch print, I've no idea where this was taken, or when. 

Looking at a history of the engine, a good guess would be Didcot around 1970. I don't think it would have run with a train at the Stockton & Darlington 150, the last time she ran. 

Now preserved in static condition at Didcot, I wonder if she will ever take to the rails under her own power again?

1 comment:

  1. Yes, the early 1970s sounds likely, and I will stick my neck out and say it’s definitely Didcot at the Railway Centre. (Seen in action on the demonstration line which runs more or less parallel to the line to Oxford beyond the fence.)
