Wednesday, November 01, 2023

The Alan Gibson file: Mystery narrow gauge locomotive

I've got nothing. I don't know what this is (OK, it's a steam locomotive), or where it is. Based on the other photos, I'm going to say 1970s, but even that's a guess. Suggestions in the comments please.

Love the hairy rope stopping people wandering over the track, and the rudimentary rolling stock though. 

Update: I asked my friend Andrew, editor of Narrow Gauge World, and he suggested, "It's one of the standard Bagnall 0-4-0STs that include the likes of Pixie, Sir Tom et al, but which one is a big question. I'm wondering if it might be the earliest days of Amerton or Threlkeld, or the short-lived line at Crich."

We will keep digging. 


  1. Im going to hazard a guess that it is one of the locos from Minworth Sewage works, Arnistice "Used in the Birmingham area by a steam enthusiast, running on a portable track at fetes and steam rallies" according to Bill Best in Bagnall:A Narrow Gauge Legacy

  2. I think James is right - see photos at

    Have asked the esteemed Mr Coulls to take a look.

  3. Anonymous11:58 AM

    Ask Dad, he'll give you the date as well. Hockley Heath steam rally, late 1960s, Bagnall Lady Luxborough, owned by Arthur and Hylbert Smith of Oldberrow.
