Monday, December 04, 2023

So, what did you buy at Warley then?


The thing with working at Warley, is there isn't much time for spending money. I mean, I don't need any more toy trains, but not to leave a show without the odd goodie is just weird. 

We'll ignore the stash of materials from Squires, because piles of Plastikard and paint don't look exciting in photos. Just know there was a bag-full. 

My first buy was a whitemetal kit for a Liverpool class lifeboat. No idea how I'll make it float, or fit the radio control gear, but that's the fun of it! (I've actually got several kits from this range. They don't appear that often, so I grab them when I spot them.)

Next, a door paper from a Scottish train. The seller had many of these, but I've travelled this route, so it's three quids worth of nostalgia. I remember when these were introduced to carriage doors, and know I wasn't the only trainspotter to surreptitiously remove them for our collections. 

Finally, a couple of 32mm guage Swift Sixteen wagons for six quid each from th Ellis Clarke stand. There were a few more, and looking at these, I really should have spent more time digging, and brought a few more home. 

A reasonably restrained haul then. 

Oh, there was one more thing. 

Flying Scotsman Duck

Stuart at Locomotion said he had something I'd like. It turns out this means a "Flying Scotsman" rubber duck. And he was right. It's just the right level of stupid for me!

(And before you ask, yes, they are going to do a blue one called "Mallard")


  1. I have resisted the urge to buy a "Scotsman" duck, but a "Mallard" is another thing entirely...I was obsessed with Mallard as a small boy, since my Dad took me to Clapham Transport Museum about 54 years ago. Oddly, I've never owned a model A4, but a duck will be a perfectly acceptable substitute.
    I bought a Lima (ex-Jouef) SNCF C61000 (think Gallic 08) for no better reason than I've had a cab ride in one, four DB wagons, books on German signalling and a few second hand magazines...and the Faller Advent calendar plus the Hornby "Tri-ang Tribute" loco. Not a huge amount but I'm more than happy.
    I was actually pleasantly surprised at how much "oddball" stuff was available.
    Is the tall 16mm wagon in your photo Coopercraft? ISTR building one many years ago!

  2. The tall wagon is a Swift Sixteen model - - really nice.
