Friday, May 10, 2024

A busy weekend ahead

By the time some of you will be reading this, I'll be on my way to London for beer with a few mates, some of whom have an involvement with model railways. Hopefully, the train back will be comfortable enough for snoozing.

Tomorrow, I'm off to the Llangollen Garden Railway Festival. You might wonder why I need another dose of garden railways so soon after the NGRS - well, the problem is that at that show I was tied to the stand, and didn't get the chance to wander and chat. Freed of my professional obligations, I can do what I like. Although, this is mostly catching up with the news from the trade. 

That's a run of 2 hours to the west of where I live. Sunday sees a run of nearly two hours to the east, to visit the Stamford Exhibition. Here, the plan is that I photograph a layout before the show opens - at 10am. Apparently, 8:30 is the earliest I can get in. Plenty of time, although it still means an early start for me!

Once the show opens, I'm going to be helping judge the best layout competition, so if owners want to prepare their bribes now. Cake is always appreciated. (Note: I am of course joking, about the bribe bit. Anyway, I'm not judging on my own, so it won't help.)

All this means modelling time is non-existent. Sorry, if this means slightly dull blog posts as I'll need my sleep!

If you are visiting either of these events, please say hello. Always happy to chat.

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