Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Glazed greenhouse


Job done. The ScaleModelScenery greenhouse is built, and glazed, and very nice it looks too. 

Glazing made use of some old Wills kit packaging. Fiddly, the job took over an hour, but well worth it. 

All I need to do now it put some plants in there, on the staging, but for the moment, we'll assume it's shut down for the winter. 

This is a really nice kit, and I'm very pleased with the results now I've tweaked it a little with Slater's brickwork around the base. At some point I'll have to find a project to incorporate the model in to.

1 comment:

  1. Actually, speaking as a regular viewer of Gardeners' World, I understand that in winter greenhouses are full of tender plants dug up from the garden for a frost-free period of hibernation.
