Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Back on the water - Little Miss Minty


Little Miss Minty

For the open day, I decided that I wasn't going to just sail the "Thursday Boats" that live at home for the rare occasions when I get to go to the weekly club sail. No, I was going to get boats that haven't seen water for some time, and use those instead. 

First up, Little Miss Minty

Built from a Goearge Turner kit, you can follow the build on the blog here. It's scary that this was in 2007. And I'm not sure how much time the model has spent afloat since then. 

Anyway, I found the Ni-Cad battery and gave it a gentle charge. Electricity seemed to stay inside, at least enough to make the model work. I did have to swap out the old-fashioned reciever for a 2.4mGz one, but nothing else changed. 

On the day, Minty sailed well, I'd forgotten how good on the water she is. Sadly, the battery could really have done with a few charging cycles to bring it back to life properly, as we only managed about ten minutes, but they were good minutes, and I am happy.

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