Tuesday, June 25, 2024

I've joined G1MRA


Catching up on jobs I've been meaning to do, I've finally re-joined the Gauge One Model Railway Association, normally refered to as G1MRA

I was a member years ago, but didn't renew because I had too much other material coming in to read, and if I'm honest, the magazine wasn't inspiring me. However, a chat with the new chairman, and some prompting by Liz Marsden, combined with a desire to not only see more G1 in Garden Rail, but to do a little work in the scale myself, saw me sign up. A 45mm gauge track at the club doesn't hurt either.

A few days later, I recieved my membership pack. There's a card, plenty of paperwork including track standards, safety while handling inflamable spirits notes, a list of traders and details of the items available through the society shop. There's also a couple of magazines, which I'm pleased to say, seem to have much more life in them than during my previous spell of membership. That's not a criticism of anyone involved, I know just how much work it is to put together a society magazine!

Anyway, on a sunny day, I've been working through the first mag, and there's an interesting article about Alex Jackson, or coupling fame, and his G1 models. Some nice practicals too that highlight the different approaches required for a larger scale. 

Will I get onto some G1 projects? Well, there is a 3D printed Pug that I've looked at a few times...

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