Tuesday, June 18, 2024

New magazine: Petite Properties 100% Smaller scales


Petite Properties magazine
It's always nice to see someone still has faith in paper magazines. With the demise of various Dolls Hourse publications, Petite Properties has launched their own.

First impressions are, it's quality. Lovely paper, excellent print and really nice photos. At 100 pages, it's nearly bookazine teritory as, for this first issue, there is a lot more content than advertising. 

The mags USP, at least for the dolls house world, is that it deals in 1:24 scale and smaller. Traditional dolls houses are 1:12, with the little stuff hardly getting a look in. Railway modellers might find this a bit large, but our sizes do, and will, get a look-in, and there are plenty of techniques that can cross the bounderies of the hobby. 

A good example, is the piece of glue. Yep, the sticky stuff and a good, solid, explanation of the verious types on offer, and where you should use them. 

Modelling-wise, there is a stunning Cornish harbour scene in 1:48. I can't help looking at it and think I'd like to recreate it in 1:72...

Dolls house mags have always been about people too, and there are more face on the page than you find in model chuffer mags. Perhaps this is because of the reader demographic which tends to more females, who are just interested in how other humans think, rather than arguing about the orientation of bolt heads on a model? Possibly, also a reflection that when you see work exhibited at shows, you can chat to the person who made it. I know we do this at train shows, but it's taken a while to drag the modellers into the limelight on the page!

I'll admit I've always liked Petite Properties models, and Bea and David, so maybe I'm biased, but I really like this magazine. It's different from my normal reading, in a good, and inspiring way. 

The magazine is only available direct from Petite Properties, in print and digital forms.

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