Tuesday, June 04, 2024

New radio in


The old radio reciever was firmly stuck to a plate inside the tank with (I think) a sticky pad. This sucummed to my screwdriver and the old unit lifted away. Cleverly, the aerial wire runs up the wiring loom and clips to a terminal inside the roof, so this can act as an aerial. 

My new Radiolink unit won't use this, hopefully the 2.4ghz system won't need it. It's a bit smaller than the old reciever, and with a bit of prodding will fit in its space without the sticky pad. I'm wondering about adding some insulating balsa wood on the plate to reduce the amount of heat getting to the electronics. 

Wiring wasn't hard once I remembered that the battery connection doesn't have to go to the bottom set of terminals. Working out which wire goes where is still trial and error, but doesn't take long, and now I have a controller that isn't falling apart, and is the same one used for the other steam locos.

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